
Reading around my subject

I have been researching about my topic when I found a video on TED Talks - Called '3 fears about screen time for kids - and why they're not true' - Sara DeWitt Video 1 - Checked on 10/9/18 Screens are passive  Digital technology prompted embodied learning that kids can now take out into the world Chris and Martin Kratt - 'Wild Kratts' - Capture nature kids play as animals - Seeing themselves on-screen with wings - Game turned off and kids kept being bats Playing games on screens is just a waste of time, its going to distract children form their education WGBH - Created 'Curious George' a maths game - 80 Preschoolers - Maths games on screens can teach about the child's cognitive learning more than a standardised test    can - Better focus on individualised learning These screens are isolating me from my child Texas Tech - 'Daniel Tigers Neighbourhood' - Parents talked to children what they have played and watched - Shows parent...

Over the summer - EPQ Work

Over the summer, I have been reading around my chosen topic with the aim to find out more information about how technology usage is changing the development of Children. Report 1  - Checked on 28/08/18 Don't get much exercise - Encourages them to be sedentary when they are home from school when using technology - Obesity levels have risen to 18% in 2012 from 7% 1980 - Technology usage is causing people to spend less time outdoors Technology screens emit harmful blue lights which can irritate eyes for children and intrudes the sleep cycle Unable to develop the ability to think critically or be a creative when learning new concepts Affects mental and emotional well-being with low-esteem and bring in negative moods Lowers children frequency of interacting with peers as it is had to develop meaningful relationships Have a positive opportunity in learning, entertaining and socialising Report 2 - Checked on 28/08/18 Detailed information and control with the app we spend ti...

EPQ Supervisors Meeting - 18/7/18

In my first meeting, we were discussing some questions that I was wanting to know about my project. Mrs Atkins answered these questions saying that. Is my topic broad enough to do my EPQ on, but deep enough to write about it? Yes the project is too broad, its needs to be targeted at an age like primary.  For my project I need to look apps and educational technology like mini laptops and coding. Also my topic is very vague, so it needs narrowing down - which I can do when I sort out my title. I could look at how has technology changed over the last 30 to 50 years within education  Within this I should look childhood development miles, which I need a clear link to development. but I  need to be clear with what I mean about development I should use secondary research and not primary due to the fact that research is already out there Then in my writing I can write about the fact that the information could be bias and just use data       ...

EPQ Lesson - 11/7/18

In this lesson, we have been discussing what we should be doing over the summer, but also how we should go about meeting with our Supervisor Over the summer I need to do Research project  Do some creative research - museums/libarys always think about the reliability of the sources I am using  Get ready for my project to be approved for September Also we were discussing about the CRF Form and what I need to include on page 5 Make a list of questions for what I will ask my supervisor  Input mind-map into the box  Then finally we spoke about how to go about the meeting with our Supervisor (Mrs Atkins) Improving the project - make it sound and strong - fitting the criteria Record each meeting - date it  Email the CRF to supervisor before meeting  Update the CRF after the meeting - write in detail Do a blog entry after each meeting  I must have a supervisor meeting before I break up for Summer  

CRAP Test and Harvard Referencing

The CRAP Test is showing the reliability of a website. It is broken down into four sub-section. Currency  Recentness of the article  Recentness of the website update  Do links from the website work  Reliability Is there information like 'I think' - which is an opinion  Does the web-page use data and does it say the source of the data or have a list of references  Authority Who is the creator  Is the writer reputable Is the website address .gov or .edu as these are reputable unlike .com .net and .org as anyone can create a website with this web address.   Purpose  What is the purpose of the website  Is there lots of ads on the website - can result in unreliability Is the website bias  Harvard Referencing is used to reference the articles or resources I have used in my work It is used in the order that it is written or in alphabetical order Use the year it is written  If using a website -...

EPQ Lesson - 4/7/18

In this lesson the topic was all about using Footnotes, Referencing and a Bibliography. With this we were told to not just read the content of the subject the project will be on, we need to read around it, to get a greater understanding of the topic - This is also helped if we can skim read all the information, as it will not take a long time to get through information. We were also told we should use the contents page to find the relevant information in a book. Sources Always quote the source, the web page and the page number  Order notes with the sources - when it comes to writing it is easy to plan  Take the notes form each source on a computer as it is easier to plan unlike handwritten notes  Footnote Finder  Footnotes can be split into sections of where they are necessary Common Knowledge - No Footnote - appears in more than three sources  Detail Knowledge - Footnote  Opinion - Footnote 

EPQ Lesson - 27/6/18

In the meeting we were discussing our progress in our project. For my progress I have been reading articles about Children and their relationship with technology. Then we were discussing the problems that I have faced. Which are that I have found that my topic is very narrow but deep. as most of the articles that I have read say the same thing. But in class Mrs said that one of the main problems that we will all find is that motivation is lacking - should focus on EPQ when we can. The main bulk of the meeting was planning, as there are things we need to be done Research  Clear idea Essay plan  Blog Equipment  Drafts  Write 5,000 words  Keep CRF up to date Meet with the supervisor  Presentation  Contingent plan  We were told to consider several time planning system  Trello  Gantt Pro Paper solutions  Before I have a decision I will try out all the way to find out which one works better for me.  Befor...