Over the summer - EPQ Work

Over the summer, I have been reading around my chosen topic with the aim to find out more information about how technology usage is changing the development of Children.

Report 1 - Checked on 28/08/18
Don't get much exercise
- Encourages them to be sedentary when they are home from school when using technology
- Obesity levels have risen to 18% in 2012 from 7% 1980
- Technology usage is causing people to spend less time outdoors
Technology screens emit harmful blue lights which can irritate eyes for children and intrudes the sleep cycle
Unable to develop the ability to think critically or be a creative when learning new concepts
Affects mental and emotional well-being with low-esteem and bring in negative moods
Lowers children frequency of interacting with peers as it is had to develop meaningful relationships
Have a positive opportunity in learning, entertaining and socialising

Report 2 - Checked on 28/08/18
Detailed information and control with the app we spend time on - duration of the day
Help parents manage their children content - see how often the phone is picked up
Better 'do not disturb' - better night sleep and lock screen till morning

Report 3 - Checked on 28/08/18
Mental wellbeing
- Moderate use of digital technology tends to be beneficial for children's well-being - too much or too    small can have a negative impacts
- Negligible negative effect of internet use on well-being
- Content children encounter and activities they participate in online will affect there well-being
Social relationships
- Children's social relationships are stimulated by digital technology and enhance relationships
- Most of social circles are online
- More research is needed on potential negative effects
Physical Activity
- Screen time was associated with reduction in physical activity
- Reducing screen time will not necessary motive children to spend more time on physical activity
- Need more research into the reduction of screen time and activity
- Find out who can we motivate children to spend more time outside

Report 4 - Checked on 28/08/18
- 97% of 15-24 in 2017 had basic tech skills
- 94% of 15-24 in 2015 had basic tech skills

Report 5 - Checked on 28/08/18
- Technology in advancing intellectual development
- Tech over stimulate and impair the brain 
- Children have more technology connectivity and understanding then there parents
- Affects the language and concepts of how children learn - shapes perception of reality
- Children can do anything on a phone - increasing obesity
- Children feel guilty about taking time off to play
- Our young are skill young - need love, support, guidance of parents - even digital children need a        hug

Report 6 - Checked on 29/08/18
Survey Monkey in Turkey - 333 people
54/86 - children under 2 spent 0-2 hours on a screen a day
13.5% - parents use family filters
31.1% - check web history
71.2% - of participants had an ipad/tablet
- 84% gave it to there children
- 22% use it at meals
- 57% were under 5
89.2% - say that internet is essential of there child's education

Report 7 - Checked on 29/08/18
- Where children socialise
- How they experience the wider world
- One in five of 4 year olds own a tablet
- 99% of 12-15 year olds have seen something hateful in the past year
- One in ten have seen something with a sexual nature

Report 8 - Checked on 29/08/18
- 4 year olds - 3-4 hours a day
- 4/7 year old - 4 hours a day
- 8/11 year olds - 4.5 hours a day
- 12/18 year olds - 6.5 hours a day

Report 9 - Checked on 29/08/18
Shows the different in internet use from children in year 1 in 2017 compared to 2011
- Year 1 - Started to use internet under 5 years old
- Year 6 - Started to use internet at 7.7 years old
- Year 1 - 86% have access to phones
- Year 6 - 66% have access to phones

Report 10 - Checked on 30/08/18
September to November 2016 - 4,439 children pupils completed the questionnaire
January to June 2017 - 913 guardian of primary school
- 86% have access to phone/tablet
- 45% of year six use snapchat
- 66% of primary children know about online games then there children
- 24% of children spend more than 2 hours on screens per day on the weekdays
- 54% of children spend more than 2 hours on screens on weekends
Year 6 - boys
- 34% spoke to a stronger online
- 70% played with a stronger online
- 60% played on over 18 game


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