
Showing posts from May, 2018

My Topic

I am now thinking that my investigation will go from looking at the effects of technology and the side effects it can have on children. To the ways that children are prevented to use technology. My thinking is that I am wanting to look at the apps that parents can have and what is the recommended usage of technology. I have been reading some articles about the apps out there stop children from using phones for too much of the day. For example, Ourpact can block phones from using anything with the internet access, which means that children will not spend as much of their day on their phones and technology. Report 3  checked 28/5/18 Report 4 checked 28/5/18

EPQ Lesson - 18/5/18

After the first Lesson, we were told to make a mind map about the topic we are going to do our project on. This has made me think more about my topic and what I can go with it and how I can do it. I have also been reading reports on the effect that technology has on children. The two reports I have read can be seen in the links below. These reports have given me an insight to the big problems with technology use and the mental well-being, social relationships and physical activity of children. Report One checked on 19/05/18 Report Two checked on 19/05/18

Welcome to my EPQ

I am starting to think about my EPQ as the opportunity arose to me. I think this will help me to develop my independent research skills. For my future career, I would like to be a primary school teacher and feel that an EPQ will help me have a greater understanding of the University course I will do. For my EPQ I will be looking at the relationship between technology and children. Having thought about my topic, and which I am most passionate about, I created some focus questions. In order to help me create the route I want to take; How has the access to technology impacted children's mental well-being? How has the wider spread access to technology impacted children and their health? How does time spent on technology impact children's physical activity? In what way does technology change social relationships?